Float Down the Comal with Comal Tubes

The Comal river is the most limited river on the planet. Truly! The Comal starts at Comal Springs in Landa Park and streams 2.5 miles (4 km) until its intersection with the Guadalupe.

Be that as it may, in a short separation, the Comal is stuffed with tubing fun. Not a boating river, this is the event congregation of the Texas rivers. Simple, moderate, and not very virus.

The Comal is spring bolstered, and along these lines a consistent, agreeable and invigorating 70-72 degrees.

There are a lot of wide simple stretches to the river, and the clearness is extraordinary. Spring bolstered, this short diamond was made for drifting. The river is a less concentrated buoy contrasted with the Guadalupe. Other than the single cylinder chute, there are no different rapids, rocks, or hindrances on the river.

There are satisfactory suppliers like http://comaltubes.com/, for the most part situated off Common Street in New Braunfels.

In Spanish, comal is a level iron utilized for cooking tortillas, so the name presumably alludes to the level region beneath the feign where the springs issue forward. The biggest and most effectively visited spring site is the one only west of Landa Park drive.

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